Thursday, 31 May 2012

31st May 1897 Henry Irving does a reading of 'Becket' by Tennyson at Canterbury Cathedral

On the 31st of May 1897 Henry Irving made an appearance in the afternoon at Canterbury Cathedral to perform parts of 'Becket' by Lord Tennyson. Becket is a play about Thomas Becket a martyr who died in the middle ages for defying the then English King, the story has always fired up the imaginations of writers and historians but the play by Tennyson was not a huge success. In fact the plays that Tennyson wrote were generally received with little enthusiasm, of course the Becket story went on to become more famous when Anouilh wrote his version of the legend. I found a link to the theatrical production of Becket by Tennyson's souvenir programme which you can find... here.

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