Monday 5 July 2010

Actors Audition Speeches for all ages and accents by Jean Marlow

Actors' Audition Speeches: For All Ages and Accents

Jean Marlow has worked in virtually all aspects of the film and theatre industry from teaching and training at Guildhall, working at the Royal Court Theatre and working for the Walt Disney Company she has done it all. Marlow is also the co-director of The Actors' Theatre School which runs courses for performers wishing to get into drama school giving them a firm grounding to get into the institution of their choice.

This book is one of a series of books that cover monologues for auditions and dualogues for doubles work. I have used these books many times over the last ten years, first in High School then throughout college and University. To say that these books are a familar sight in drama studios and school libraries nationwide is no understatement, these books may be the most popular in the industry. Why? Probably because of the incredible depth and breadth of material suggested within these pages. There are many different age groups and nationalities represented by the various monologues in the book. However something I never looked over when I was first given this book to find a monologue in was the first few bits of information regarding auditioning. This for me puts this book up there as one of the best resources for schools and colleges, because it is exactly the type of information that young performers need to know that they may not get from their drama lessons. These are covered in the articles; About Auditioning and What Auditioners Look For which in my mind answer everything a performer could ask, questions like 'If I don't get chosen what did I do wrong?' and 'How do I apply to Drama School?'. There are also statements from people within the industry on how they cast people and what they want to see when people come to an audition, all very helpful and insightful. Of course this information is from 1995 so the advice is 15 years old but still very helpful and useful.

The monologues range from Shakespeare to Hare and covers many regions and dialects. There is something for everyone. I would highly reccommend this book to anyone who needs a set of audition pieces to hand and in this industry, who doesn't?

To purchase your own copy of this wonderful book then please go here.

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