Thursday 25 February 2010

My Study Text 'Theatre Studies' by Kenneth Pickering and Mark Woolgar

It takes a while to understand and really appreciate the subject you learn and to master it is near impossible, once you have your degree where do you go? Do you continue and work towards a Masters Degree? Then what? Move onto your PHD? Or do you go into the real world and leave the academic world behind? Well I chose to leave the University lifestyle and enter day to day life and consequently did what a lot of people my age did and still do, worked in a job sector completely unrelated to my degree. The result of this was that for the past 2 and a half years vital knowledge and information I pored over hungrily at College has begun to ebb away from my conciousness. This leaves me feeling a bit stupid because I did work very hard but I didn't keep it up outside of my Univeristy life and there are people who work in the Theatre Arts sector and not remembering certain things or having any knowledge of other aspects can sometimes be the difference between being taken seriously and seen as a joke. So to combat this LibraryGirl suggested I study at home a Drama Course which could easily be found in the... Library and the book we sourced together was 'Theatre Studies' by Keith Pickering and Mark Woolgar which is a book that covers all the subjects required by undergraduate and diploma courses in Theatre Arts. I have so far found it to be very helpful in its writing and exercises for reminding me how to do certain things and subjects that may have fallen to the wayside in my acting and directing technique. I am enjoying it a lot and its just nice to be learning something once again. I  feel better to be able to back up my own knowledge much like someone backing up their computer files. The biggest boon though has been some of the subjects I don't know about and resources it has thrown up for me to talk about on here. So yes there is a lot going on in 'Theatre From My Head' right now from our 'Just a Small One' series on small theatres in the UK to our 'Curtains!!! Project' so keep your eyes peeled for more updates.


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